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Your Rights and Resources

This resource aims to help jobseekers understand and recognise some possible signs of labour exploitation, as well as provide links to resources and organisations that can provide support. 

Possible signs of exploitation

  • Pay is below the national minimum wage. 
  • Working hours advertised exceed the legal maximum. 
  • The worker does not get paid for their job or is not allowed to keep their full salary. 
  • Identification documents, such as passports, are taken away from the worker and stored in a “safe place.”
  • The worker is offered free transportation, accommodation, or assistance with travel documents.
  • The worker has to pay a fee for recruitment, or has to pay money to their employer for the job.  
  • The worker is forced to sleep and work at the same place.
  • The employer advises the worker to accept the role on a tourist visa.
  • The contract of employment is in a different language than the country’s primary language, or no contract of employment is provided.