Cookies Policy

Our dynamic and ever-expanding company is currently offering a plethora of exciting positions across multiple sectors all around the world, providing our employees with a vibrant and diverse working environment. We pride ourselves on offering highly competitive packages and exceptional benefits. 

Job Board Cookies Policy

Please read this cookie policy carefully as it contains important information on who we are and how we use cookies on this job board. This policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy which sets out how and why we collect, store, use and share personal information generally, as well as your rights in relation to your personal information and details of how to contact us and supervisory authorities if you have a complaint.

Who we are

This job board is operated by Von Keller Company Trust. Our registered address is at . Please contact us at , if you have any questions about this cookie policy or the information we hold about you.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small amounts of information stored on the user’s device (e.g. computer, smartphone or another electronic device) by a website they visit. When the user returns to a website, the cookies belonging to that site are sent back to it. This allows the website to “remember” data about a user between requests or browser sessions. For example, we may monitor e.g., how many times you visit the website, which pages you go to, traffic data, location data and your IP address. This information helps us to understand user behavior to improve the services we provide, to remember if you have subscribed or registered and to remember your preferences so that we can tailor the professional opportunities we make available to you via the job board.
The cookies we place on your device may fall into one or more of the following categories:
Strictly Necessary Cookies: These cookies are used to perform essential functions to enable the website to work properly. Without them, services you’ve asked for can’t be provided.
Session Cookies: These cookies allow our website to link your actions during a particular browser session and expire when the user closes the browser, and the cookies are immediately deleted from the device.
Performance cookies: These cookies collect information about how you use our website, e.g., which pages you go to most often.
Functionality cookies: These cookies allow our website to remember the choices you make (such as your username, language, last action and search preferences) and provide enhanced, more personal features. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous and cannot track your browsing activity on other websites. The cookies we use may be first-party cookies (i.e., cookies that our web services store on your device and are exclusively managed by von Keller Company Trust or third-party cookies (i.e., cookies stored on your device by entities different from the owner of this website). We don’t normally use third party cookies, but in some cases, we use third-party analytics services to process information about how this job board performs and how our users, in general, navigate through it.

What cookies does MIT use on their job board?

The table below provides more information about the cookies we use and why:
Cookie Name
First or Third Party
Cookie Type
Cookie Purpose
Max Duration

This cookie holds the current Hotjar session data. This ensures that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session.

We use Hotjar to track how visitors use our site so that we can optimize the experience for our users.

30 mins

This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether this visitor’s data should be used in the sample.

We use Hotjar to track how visitors use our site so that we can optimize the experience for our users.

30 mins

This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether this visitor’s data should be used in the sample.

We use Hotjar to track how visitors use our site so that we can optimize the experience for our users.

30 mins

This cookie is set to let Hotjar identify a new user’s first session. It stores a true/false value, indicating whether this was the first time Hotjar saw this user.

We use Hotjar to track how visitors use our site so that we can optimize the experience for our users.

30 mins

This cookie is set when a user first lands on a page. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to this site on this browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits will be attributed to the same user ID.

We use Hotjar to track how visitors use our site so that we can optimize the experience for our users.

1 year

This cookie is set to let Hotjar detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie.

We use Hotjar to track how visitors use our site so that we can optimize the experience for our users.

30 mins

This cookie is used by Segment to record the amount of people that visit our site, and to associate your events with our site uniquely.

We use Segment to analyze user behavior on our site in order to optimize the user experience.

1 year
ajs_group_id (Local storage)

This cookie is used by Segment to record the amount of people that visit our site, and to associate your events with our site uniquely.

We use Segment to analyze user behavior on our site in order to optimize the user experience.

No expiration (local storage item*)

This cookie is used by Segment to record the amount of people that visit our site, and track whether you’ve visited before, so we can associate your events with a single user, anonymously tracking your journey through our site.

We use Segment to analyze user behavior on our site in order to optimize the user experience.

1 year
ajs_anonymous_id (Local storage)

This cookie is used by Segment to record the amount of people that visit our site, and track whether you’ve visited before, so we can associate your events with a single user, anonymously tracking your journey through our site.

We use Segment to analyze user behavior on our site in order to optimize the user experience.

No expiration (local storage item*)

This cookie is used by Segment to record the amount of people that visit our site, and track whether you’ve visited before, so we can associate your events with a single user, anonymously tracking your journey through our site.

We use Segment to analyze user behavior on our site in order to optimize the user experience.

No expiration (local storage item*)

This is used by Segment to record the amount of people that visit our site, and to associate your events with our site uniquely.

We use Segment to analyze user behavior on our site in order to optimize the user experience.

No expiration (local storage item*)

This is used by Segment to record traits such as our network’s name along with your actions.

We use Segment to analyze user behavior on our site in order to optimize the user experience.

No expiration (local storage item*)

This cookie is set to uniquely identify a user for the Woopra service. This cookie tracks if you’ve visited before, so Woopra can associate your events with a single user, anonymously tracking your journey through our site.

We use Woopra to understand how visitors use our site.

2 years

This cookie is used by Google Analytics to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier.

We use Google Analytics to generate statistical data on how visitors use our site.

1 day

This cookie is used for Google Analytics to store and update a unique value for each page visited.

We use Google Analytics to generate statistical data on how visitors use our site.

2 years

This cookie is used by Algolia to identify users for analytics about usage of the search and filter functionality.

We use Algolia for our search and filter functionality.

We set this cookie to remember if you have subscribed to job alerts and your job alerts preferences.
No expiration (local storage item*)
These cookies are set to remember the user’s scroll position.
* Local Storage is a type of web storage that allows websites and apps using Javascript to store and access data in the browser. The technology is similar to cookies and this is why we declare the use of these on our site in our cookie policy.

What do we use cookies for?

We use Cookies to:
  1. analyze how many people visit our website.
  2. understand the use of our website so we can improve the services we offer and the navigation through the website.
  3. allow registered users to take advantage of tailored services oriented to their user profile.
  4. enable essential functions to deliver our services to the user.
Information collected will be treated as indicated in this policy and in our Privacy Policy.
We thereby inform you that any information obtained through cookies will be processed by Von Keller Company Trust, with the purposes mentioned and expiration periods of the cookies used.

Consent to cookies

By using this job board, you consent to our use of cookies as set out in this cookie policy.

Can I deactivate or change the setting of cookies?

Yes, you can understand, allow, block or delete cookies installed through your browser settings. Below you can find information about how to do this on your browser:

Amendments or updates to this policy

This cookie policy may be changed at any time without prior notice due to updates or legislative changes. We will try to inform you about any change made to this policy so you can provide prior consent to it, but we recommend you verify this policy periodically. The use of this site after the change implies your acceptance of this amended policy.
Last updated: May 28th,  2023